Protection and Biotechnological Improvement in Ecuador

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Diego Orellana Sánchez


This article contrasts the improvement and protection of Intellectual Property in terms of changes in the productive, economic and political sector in Ecuador with a specific branch of the aforementioned subject called "Plant Varieties". In order to direct the object of this investigation, the article will focus on the analysis of fundamental concepts, the recognition of the applicable regulations and also the competent department, in the specific case the SENADI will be analyzed, which among its functions is to guarantee the acquisition and the exercise of IP rights in accordance with the Organic Code of the Social Economy of Knowledge, Creativity and Innovation. As a contribution to its effectiveness, it is also important to emphasize the importance of the article with the Economic Analysis of Law with respect to the recognized rights and with the importance of its applicability, this with the aim of establishing a path for the strengthening of rights and thus generate a positive economic impact on Ecuadorian society.


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How to Cite
Orellana Sánchez, D. (2020). Protection and Biotechnological Improvement in Ecuador. Revista Ruptura, (02), 577-588.


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